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Time to Prepare Ourselves and Our Surroundings for the 2021 that we Deserve!

So it's 2021. Vaccines are being rolled out, and though restrictions are not completely over yet, there's a light a the end of the tunnel. Now what?

Well, if there are a couple of things that 2020 showed us, it is that 1) nothing is given, and it's important to appreciate what we do have, and 2) it can become really important to like your home surroundings.

It certainly taught us a lot of other valuable lessons as well, and 2021 will be a year like no other in recent history, because perseverance and the ability to look forward with optimism are absolutely key at this point. And if we manage to use our networks and communities, our closest family, we can make 2021 a year with positive connotations.

- In the aftermath of January 6th, which turned out in a way that surprised few, but shocked all, change for the year really is key. We must appreciate what we have, but change what we cannot appreciate just yet. So in all areas of our lives as a globally connected world, let's make positive changes for the better. And for those of us not in public seats, let's start by bettering the surroundings that shape us every day.

Despite my complete love of special interior design pieces, I don't come from a family that has focused a lot on our home set-up. For our academic parents, style in functionality was really the first priority with everything else set aside for later.

But having spent a lot of this recent time at home and around the beautiful items that I have been acquiring over the last year, both personally and for the business, it has become clear that the full picture is really important.

It's important for personal satisfaction and calm, and for the items - pieces of art as they are - to do them proper justice, so they can be truly enjoyed.

For us, these first few months of the year will be dedicated to preparing our surroundings, and our routines for a more balanced and fulfilling situation.

We deserve more, we deserve exactly what makes us happy every day, so that when we leave those surroundings we take calm and kind vibes with us.

Attaining that healthy balance will take some changes, some actions, and time. But balancing keeping some with getting rid of some things, and new with old, is key.

Whatever style or level of neatness, whatever you treasure, all homes can get a bit away from us, and the ideas we had when we first moved in.

The measure and speed of such changes are personal and individual, but we offer you a few points to consider in the process:

Make sure you only have things around you that actually bring you happiness and joy (cue the Marie Kondo references)

- that means getting rid of things, sure. But don't get rid of so much that you may end up regretting, and later repurchasing items for no reason at all. That's simply wasteful. Key for the future - let's not be wasteful. Having to think more about each item, in an effort to not be wasteful, also means you end up with only things that will truly bring you value in the long run.

- it luckily also means allowing yourself to indulge a bit. That's what antiques and pre-80s design is so great for. These items were built in a time before mass production and cost-cutting were prioritized as heavily as it is now.

So it's okay to indulge and spend a bit more, because they will be the best purchases we make.

Personally I am on quite a collecting run at the moment, and through the past year, even though I don't actually have a house of my own.

But accumulating items now, that I know will be with me if not for ever, then for a very long time, means I can prepare for such a time. That way I don't have to rush to fill a space with meaningless and fast-produced interiors. I can be much more careful in my choices.

Just keep it timeless, and you can truly never go wrong.

That brings forth another valuable lesson - know when to pack things away! (Not for good, don't worry)

- Though we are certainly not interested in parting with any of the items we have worked so hard to find they cannot all be out and about.

Depending of course of the size of your home, any avid collector will be familiar with the struggle of knowing when to stop before people start whispering *hoarder* under their breaths.

To tip the scales in the 'beautiful interior collector's home' direction, it's absolutely necessary to know the art of switching up, and letting some items breathe while others live in a cupboard for a while, until the next rotation. Complete castle-envy of all who have too much space to display - not everyone can share that luxury.

We have been at our father's home during this covid-time, but even if I was at my apartment, there is no way my things could all be displayed without looking like a mess. So we have had to be a bit more honest about what it's really reasonable to leave out, and what needs to be put away for later reappearances. And though it's still an ongoing process, because our job means we are constantly bringing more into the home, it has actually proven to be really valuable.

It also forces a deeper appreciation when you do bring things out.

Take for instance, silverware; Silver spoons and similar things can be very tempting to buy when the price is just right. But when you have 40 assorted serving spoons spilling out of a tray, one covering the other, it gets tough to remember them all, and to use them for their proper purposes. We are very much in favour of using antiques every day #useyourantiques. So we want to use them - but having them all out just is not helping anyone.

So putting them away neatly and systematically means that you can bring them out for their dedicated task - and they will make those moments even better.

We would love to see what choices you make for the year, so please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and wonderful homes with us on our instagram @rolighedscandinavianantiques.

Here's to a year of doing the things that do us good, and make us feel good, and to a couple of months of the final home-fixes, before normal life resumes.

- Happy New Year 2021 -

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